Monday, June 28, 2010

The Word Illustrated #50--The dash in the middle

The Word Illustrated #50
© Pamyla Floyd

The dash in the middle

Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it -- Ecclesiastes 3:20

The span of a man or woman’s life varies. Some people live well into their golden years, still others do not live past the age of 30, yet still others live beyond 100 years of age. When we pass away from this world, the memorial mark for all to see is a tombstone. On it are our birthday and our day of departure from this life.

Inside of thirty days we are forgotton, unless we lead a life to be remembered. No one knows anything about us other than our name which is also on the headstone. But, what about the dash in the middle, it speaks volumes about the life we lived and left behind. How long we reside on this earth does not matter, but what we do while here matters.

The bible says that a good man/woman leaves an inheritance to his/her children's children! WE can begin to lead remarkable lives right now today. We can hold a door for someone, cook a meal, visit those in REhabilitation Centers, hospitals and jails. WE can give away those clothes that we haven't worn in a year. What about the food we throw out every 3 months. Someone could surely use it. We could help a sick neighbor by watching their children.

The list is endless folks. Remember the least that we do to another, we have also done to Christ, so make it good! But I tell you right now there are books that haven't been written, movies that have not been filmed, stories that have not been told, ministies, businesses, ideas that all die when we do, if we don't get up and get moving. Jesus came to give life more abundantly and if we don't use it fo the fullest we are not living abundant lives and our actions affect those around us. Yes, even you Mr/Ms Single. Life is for the living, live it!

God bless,

If you want to know how to ask Jesus into your heart, or want help in leading someone to Christ, please visit my Salvation page. If you want prayer or need help finding scriptures to stand on, please email me: thewordillustrated at yahoo dot com

Reference Scriptures:

John 9:4 -- I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work

1Co 15:18 -- Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished

Note: the illustration is of a tombstone in a graveyard. Although the person is gone on, there is still life and beauty left behind

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