Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Word Illustrated #65--Who do you belong to?

Artwork by Pamyla

The Word Illustrated #65
© Pamyla Floyd

Who do you belong to?

Thy people shall be my people, an thy God my God – Ruth 1:16d

That’s a good question for us to ask ourselves. If we look back at the book of Ruth, we will see two central characters namely Ruth and her sister in law Orpha. Both were from Moab (the world), and like us, had an encounter with the true and living God. After their husbands died, they along with their mother in law Naomi headed for Jerusalem.

Along the way, something interesting happened. You see, at some point, we will have to ask ourselves who we really belong to. While it was apparent that Ruth received the great I Am for herself. It is also apparent that Orpha SEEMED to accept Him as her God.

If we go to church because Granny did, or because that new person we are dating or married to does, or because it seems like the right thing to do; then we need to check out our ‘salvation’. The time to accept Christ in our lives is now! At some point we must ALL come broken in spirit, repenting, asking forgiveness of our sins. We must too must believe and confess with our own mouths that YES, Jesus is the son of God, whom He hath raised from the dead.

If we think we are saved by riding on the coat tails of others, we are sadly mistaken. Have you ever heard someone say that they USED to be a Christian? They can say that because they never had a personal relationship with Jesus. They never received Him and when they didn’t get their way, they went back into the world (Moab) where they served teh same gods as before. So, I will ask you again. Who do you belong to? If you are not sure, or want help in the prayer of salvation, please email me.

God bless,

If you want to know how to ask Jesus into your heart, please visit my Salvation page. If you want prayer or need help finding scriptures to stand on, please email me: thewordillustrated at yahoo dot com

Reference Scriptures:

Philippians 2:12b-- work out your own salvation with fear and trembling

Habakkuk 3:18 -- Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation

Note: The illustration is of a woman.

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