Friday, August 9, 2013

TWI #93

Turn it around


Almost four months ago, using toothpicks for support, I halfway submerged an avocado seed, into a glass of water. Previously, there were several failed attempts. I have a green thumb with indoor plants, and because I saw no results, I grew impatient, and threw my seeds away.

This time however, I had no time to check, recheck, and grow frustrated. I pretty much forgot about my seed. While life kept me busy, the seed was doing its own thing. Two weeks ago, I looked online to get help. I came across a great article with pictures on how to grow an avocado tree from a seed. The only right thing that I had done, was to hold the seed with toothpicks. I was tempted to throw the seed away, and start over, but decided to wait it out. I was determined to see this thing through.

  A couple of days later, I noticed that the bottom half of the seed had split, and had a root. It took another 3 weeks for the remaining roots to emerge. While staring at it one day, I decided to turn it around. That’s when I received a very pleasant surprise. There was a thin, red stem growing out of the top of the seed. All I had to do to see the change, was look at it from a different angle. I am learning, that I must to be willing to look at things differently.

Something as simple as sitting in a different chair at the dining table, working a different shift, taking a different mode of transportation, taking a class outside of my normal interests, or changing my style of dress; are the makings of small steps, which push past the boundaries that could keep me locked into the same position, year after year. Small, baby steps are what help us to begin walking in newness of life, that expands our horizons and gives us a new outlook on life.

The willingness to change and grow makes us more attractive, approachable and in turn, much more loveable. Life is for the living, and it’s time to live it! It’s time to “Turn it around”. Love is closer than you think. What seeds have you planted? Are there some things that need to be uprooted? Remember, God does not do things the way we do or think that they should be done.

Be patient, step out into the deep and see change. Give the Lord permission to do His will in your life, and ask Him also to prepare your heart for what He is about to bring forth. He truly loves you and knows what is best for you. Before you know it, you will have a life that has been turned around! And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new--Revelation 21:5a

God bless, Pamyla

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

TWI #92

TWI #92 Pamyla Floyd April 9, 2013

Just Smile and be nice!

My grandmother, Mama Julia used to always tell me to "Just smile and be nice!" This came after ran crying to her when someone made rude remarks toward me or were just plain inconsiderate and ugly. I always wondered why she would tell me this. I wanted sympathy but instead, what did I hear? "Just smile and be nice!"

Since becoming an adult, I wish I could hug her neck and thank her for her loving advice. It has kept me from a lot of heartache and trouble. Too often we come across people who are having a bad day, and who seem to want to make yours a mess too. You are too old, too fat, too this, too that; and it goes on and on!

Luke 6:28 tell us to Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. This is not easy, but it can be done with God's help. We cannot pick and choose scriptures that suit us. If we believe the word of God, then we should trust and believe all of it.f it.

So the next time you are being talked down to, pushed aside and/or put off in some way, pray a silent prayer, smile and give them a compliment. You would be surprised how amazing this is. And know this, if you were not moving toward your blessing, breakthrough or a new level in life, the deceiver would not have bothered to use someone to sidetrack you.

Press on in Jesus name and remember, "Just smile and be nice!"

God bless,


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection Sunday

Because He rose again with all power in His hands, we can live more abundant lives through Him. Thank you Jesus!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

TWI #91

Can two walk together, except they be agreed? -- Amos 3:3

Being whole in Christ makes all the difference in any and every relationship that we enter into.

Whether they be forged by way of business, family, work, through friends or love relationships;

if we are not whole in Him, we can and will fall for everything.

Make sure that you are rooted and standing on solid ground.

Jesus is the rock!

God bless,
