Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Salvation by Pamyla Floyd
Click to enlarge

Got Jesus?

Where will your soul be 1 minute after you die?

There is only one way to get to heaven

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me-- John 14:6

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation

For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed

--Romans 10:9-11 KJV


Jesus I repent (turn away) from all of my sins and I thank you for forgiving me of each and every one. I confess that yes you are the son of God, and I ask you to come into my heart and become Lord over my life.

Welcome into the family of faith! Now please get into a bible beleving church that preaches Jesus. I love you!

If you would like prayer, have questions or need scriptures please email me: thewordillustrated at yahoo dot com

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Word Illustrated #27--Proverbs 17:22

Animation by Pamyla

The Word Illustrated#27
© PamYla floyd

Proverbs 17:22--A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones

What does our countenance say about us. Believe it or not, what we meditate on (think about) are the things that show up on our faces.

Are we walking in faith or fear? let's say that Donna was obedient in paying her tithes, and is worried about her car note which is due in 2 weeks. Since she talks faith, but walks in fear, her countenance is reflecting what is really going on inside of her. She does not trust God and His word as she leads others to think.

On the other hand, if Donna were talking faith and walking in it, she does what is asked without doubt or fear. She knows that although the money may not be in her bank account today, God is faithful and will bless her more abundantly because of her faithfulness.

How does she know this, because she reads His word. In Malachi 3:10 the Lord says to PROVE him. Be obedient, be cheerful in the giving of your tithes and offerings and KNOW that God will do what he says he will do. You will be amazed at the favor he gives you, and at how He positions people who want to bless you.

WE have be stand sure footed, unwavering and immovable while standing on the word of God inspite of what we hear, see or feel. His word can change our lives.

Whatever area you face challenges or struggle in, find scriptures that deal with that subject and meditate (recite) them aloud until they become a part of you. When the enemy begins to torment you about that thing, you give him back the word of God. This is standing!

As we get more of God's word in us, our countenance begins to change. Soon we will hear others comment and ask if we have lost weight, been on vacation or exclaim how much younger we are looking!

In John 10:10b Jesus said that he came to give life and to give it more abundantly. God's word is full of life and able to deliver us from anything that comes our way.

If you need help finding scriptures that you can stand on contact me via my email address below,

Reference Scriptures:

Matthew 6:33
John 6:63

God bless,

God Jesus? Visit my Salvation page. If you want prayer, or want to subscribe, please email me: thewordillustrated at yahoo dot com.

Note: the animation above is of a woman who is frowned up and getting worse until a friend asks what's wrong. Then she begins to perk up and pretend that all is well

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Word Illustrated #26--II Corinthians 1:3-4

The Word Illustrated#26
© PamYla floyd

What a wonderful God we have--he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strenghtens us in our hardships and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us.-- II Corinthians 1:3-4 TLB

Two weeks ago I dislocated and broke my ankle. I was at a neighbor's house and without panic she immediately took off my shoe, got an ice pack and wrapped my ankle. She then got me into the hospital. When I looked down, my foot was laying over to the right of my leg, and reminded me of something from a horror movie.

God is so good! We were in and out in 4 hours and then He had a wonderful couple from my church who offered to take me in. I stayed in their home for a week. What a blessing! Although I had to spend most of my time in bed with my leg raised it was such a beautiful week. I was with people who loved me and who I loved. I ate well, laughed hard, studied a lot and experienced many close and tender moments with the Lord.

I now know how to help a person who does not have anyone to see after them. What a blessing we can be to others if we only say YES! When we bless others we begin to see awesome things happening in our lives as well. The favor of God begins to run ahead and overtake us in all areas of our lives. God always gives us opportunities to say YES to a new blessing.

When was the last time you said yes? Are there things that you have been earnestly seeking the Lord about? Have you wondered why He has not answered yet? Let's purpose in our hearts to be used by Him to bless others. The Lord will not ask us to do anything we are not able to do. Lord, not my will, but Thy will be done in my life. Let's all say YES!

God Bless,


Reference Scriptures:
Psalms 1:3
III John 1:2

**The image is of a leg in bandages with wiggling toes**.

The Word Illustrated #25--I Samuel 16:7b

The Word Illustrated#25
© PamYla floyd

for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart—I Samuel 16:7b

God loves each of us we were all created in His image. If we were to walk past a field of yellow flowers notice one that was much taller, and of differing colors, would we not still see it as being beautiful? The fact that it stands out in the crowd alone makes us take notice.

If we continue to look at the differences in each other as being strange or unacceptable, we will soon find ourselves creating a world where only those who have surgical procedures to look like carbon copies of eachother are the norm. God made each of us distinctly beautiful and like no other.

There are those who have Heterochromia, Vitiligo, Albinism or huge skin burns. What a person looks like should never have a bearing on our perception or acceptance of them. It is what's on the inside that makes us who we are.

When I was a teen, I saw an episode of The Twililght Zone called, “In the eye of the beholder”. In it everyone underwent plastic surgery to look like everyone else. What we call beautiful was seen as horrific and even terrifying. This is a great satirical view on how we are today.

Let's pray to be more accepting of others in our day to day lives. We never know what friend we may find in the person sitting right next to us!

God bless,

Reference Scriptures:
Genesis 1:26a
Psalm 139:14

If you want prayer please email thewordillustrated at yahoo.com

The image above is of yellow flowers and one purple and lavender one which stands much taller than the rest. Although it is different, it is no less beautiful than the others.

The Word Illustrated #24--Matthew 23:24

The Word Illustrated#24
© PamYla floyd

Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.-- Matthew 23:24

Iniquity—a wicked act or thing, the matter of doing things wrong,
In Acts 8:18-24 Simon marveled at how the Holy Ghost was given through the laying on of hands by the disciples, he offered money so that he might possess the power which they exhibited.

They let him know that it God who gave them this power. He wanted the power for himself so that he would be exalted in the eyes of man. His motivations were wrong, and worse, he would not repent nor pray for himself.

Our gifts and abilities come from God, it is a pleasure to use them to glorify the Lord, so that all men would be drawn unto Him. WE may think that various church activities, boards and functions cannot go off without us, but nothing could not be further from the truth!

If we receive, entertain, and allow the spirit of iniquity to abide in us, we will become the spiritual cancer that infects all who come in contact with us. Worse yet, it puts a wall of seperation between us and God which could also bring about spiritual death.

We are to cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that exaleth itself against the knowledge of God, and bring them in captivity to the obedience of Jesus Christ.

If we humble ourselves before the mighty hand of God, due season, He will be the one to exalt us.

God bless,

Reference Scriptures:
Psalms 66:18
Matthew 24:12

If you would like prayer, email thewordillustrated@yahoo.com. If you want Jesus to come into your heart visit Salvation

Note: the illustration is of a man with various labels, they are deacon, lead usher, head cook,choir director, missions and an overhead word bubble that says “look up to me!”

The Word Illustrated #23--I Corinthians 7:2

The Word Illustrated#23
© PamYla floyd

I Corinthians 7:2--Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.

Fornication—The Greek pronunciation is Porn ea, which interpreted means, pornography

We are to live by God's standards, struggle or not. It is a commandment from God, not a suggestion or comment.

Jesus is able to keep us in all things, if we allow Him to. No one wants a gift that has been opened and recently used! What if the bow were shredded, the wrapping torn, wrinkled and poorly taped. By now, you may not want to accept the gift, let alone open it.

This is what happens when sex is used inappropriately. You both know that your sweetie will sleep with someone they aren't married to. Over time, satan uses this open door, to slowly eat away all that was built up, before you walk down the aisle.

Yes, things can turn around, but why go through all of that! We can use our time more wisely by getting to know, love and grow, more with the one we so earnestly prayed for!

For those of us who are struggling in this area, we can repent, and ask forgiveness. Remember, He blots out our transgressions for His own sake and will not remember our sins!

Next, we need to find scriptures that relate to what we are going through, write them down, meditate on them (keep on our mind) and speak them aloud, so that they become part of us.

Prayer joined with fasting introduces divine intervention! Not only will our spirits be refreshed, but our relationship with the Lord will be strengthened. We can also ask Him to send us an accountability partner who we can be honest and frank with.

After all, no one wants to go on their honeymoon, to catch up on television-- because the gift is nothing new to look at.

Reference Scriptures:
Proverbs 6:25
I Thessalonians 4:3

God bless,

If you would like prayer, just hit reply. If you want Jesus to come into your heart, please visit my Salvation page.

Note: the image is a digital illustration of a female hand holding a tattered, worn and torn gift box.

The Word Illustrated #22--I John 1:6

The Word Illustrated#22
© PamYla floyd

If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:--I John 1:6

The devil is always looking for a crack to get in and drive a wedge between us and God, he wants to destroy our testimonies by causing us to sin IE curse ourselves.

For instance, there may be someone at our job, in our church or in our neighborhood that we aren't friendly towards. They may not have said or done anything to us, we may have only heard others say unfavorable things about them.

If we are not careful, we will make assumptions, form opinions and end up with a heart of bitterness toward them. We can do all of this without ever speaking to them!

What is the harm? According to Hebrews 12:14-15, bitterness defiles us and will keep us from entering heaven! As Christians we are not to behave as the world does forming cliques, ignoring some, favoring others etc. This is not Christ-like behavior.

Jesus died on the cross so that we could ALL be free from the bondage of sin in ALL its forms! If we not being honest about who we are, we are not glorifying Jesus, we are glorifying satan.

Let's begin by examining our hearts, confessing our sins and asking forgiveness so that we will walk in the light of Christ. God is faithful and just to not only forgive our sins, but to remember them no more!

We need to go over to that brother or sister we've been avoiding, look them in the eye, smile and say hello.

God bless,

Reference Scriptures:
John 8:12
Isaiah 43:25

If you would like prayer, just hit reply. If you want Jesus to come into your heart visit Salvation

Note: the image is a digital illustration of a man with storm clouds over his head. They are representing hidden sin that we slip into, accept and the darkness that ensues because of it.

The Word Illustrated #21--Ephesians 5:16

The Word Illustrated#21
© PamYla floyd

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil--Ephesians 5:16

The Living Bible has an even clearer explanation: So be careful how you act, these are difficult days. Don't be fools; be wise: make the most of every opportunity you have for doing good.

If we allow our weapon (the bible) to become dusty, the devil will cause us to walk in doubt and unbelief using our ignorance of who we are in Christ, to trample over us. A good practice is to find scriptures which pertain to what we are going through, meditate on these in our hearts, and speak them aloud, so that we can hear them.

What we believe deep inside, comes out of our mouths and manifests as fruit (actions) in our lives. We can encourage others, pray with someone, and seek after the more abundant life that Jesus promised.

When these things become a part of who we are, we will see doors begin to open that may not have been there before. The power of God is working toward us ward, to immediately change us, but we have to effectively redeem the time!

God bless,

Reference Scriptures:
Proverbs 16:6
II Timothy 2:16

Note: The image is of a clock with various dates, times and seasons

The Word Illustrated #20--II Corinthians 10:5

The Word Illustrated#20
© PamYla floyd

"Give the devil an inch..."

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;--II Corinthians 10:5

We have to be careful about the things we say, about others, and more importantly about ourselves and our lives. When we open our mouths, are we glorifying the Lord or the devil? What we read, watch, and listen to are what goes into our hearts, influencing our thoughts, which come out as a reflection of not only who we are, but also who we believe to be true.

We can speak in faith no matter the circumstance or situation we are facing ie: "I walk by faith, not by sight", "I am never alone, because God promised to never leave nor forsake me", "In faith, I can call those things which are not, as though they are", " I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ".

If our language goes against what the word of God says about us, we are not living in faith and are not glorifying Him. Until we learn to do so, we will keep walking around in circles, going through the same things over and over again, year after year.

Yes, we can learn to walk in faith, using God's word to change our lives, no matter what our backgrounds look like. Yes, we can walk in faith, using God's word so that we are not fazed, shaken, nor moved by the things that happen around us.

Let's get into a bible believing, bible teaching, church where the name of Jesus is magnified, so that we too can learn to walk right, talk right, and in faith, live abundantly -- right here, right now, on this earth, even in this time of famine.

God bless,

Study Scriptures:
Joshua 1:8, Philippians 4:8

P.S. If you want to know how to be forgiven of all your sins, and how you can receive Jesus as Lord over your life, please visit http://www.geocities.com/designersclay/Salvation.html. If you would like prayer, just hit reply.

The drawing above is of fingers half closed, in a C formation, representing an inch

The Word Illustrated #19--Ephesians 6:16

The Word Illustrated#19
© PamYla floyd

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked--Ephesians 6:16

You are probably thinking that I'm off base in my illustration here. You see, satan's job is to make the darts IE obstacles, look harmless so that we will not recognize them, receive them and unwittingly allow him to control our lives through them.

For example, if we had problems with alcohol, the fiery dart might be a simple drink during a celebration. In the case of illicit sex, the dart may begin in the form of someone other than our spouse, who is always there to greet us with a close, warm hug that lingers too long.

If they (fiery darts) came at us in their true form, we would turn away in an instant. They are the things that held us in bondage, and have nearly or probably destroyed our lives in the past.

Jesus paid the price so that we do not have to become imprisioned again. He paid our sin debt in full with his very own life! Let's ask him for help in recogizing the disguised darts. He is there and will answer if we call out to Him for help.

If you want help in asking Jesus to come into your heart, or need prayer. I am just an email away :)

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #18--I Peter 5:7

The Word Illustrated#18
© PamYla floyd

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you--I Peter 5:7

We spend far too much time worrying about things that we have no control over.
If we know God to be our deliverer, comforter, and restorer, then why do we let 'things' rule us? Good or bad, life happens to everyone.

Whatever we put at the forefront of our lives, becomea the thing that we love the most and inturn, becomes our god. God promised to supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory, and He will do it.

Let's learn to put God first and watch Him do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or dream. The key word is TRUST.

If you want help in asking Jesus to come into your heart, or need prayer. I am just an email away :)

God bless,



Additional scripture:
Luke 1:45, Ephesians 3:20

Note: The illustration is of a woman sitting by a lake with all of her cares, which are in the form of crosses which are various colors and sizes. She is pushing them away from her and over to God's capable hands.

The Word Illustrated #17--Hebrews 8:12

The Word Illustrated #17
© PamYla Floyd

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more--Hebrews 8:12

Many of us have the outward apperance of being free, but inwardly we struggle with sins from our pasts. We do not understand how God can love us enough to forgive ALL of them.

satan wants us wrapped up, tangled up and consumed with our pasts, thus, giving no thought to God and the power of His word.

His job is to keep us depressed, lackluster, ineffective Christians who dare not live up to our God-given potential.

The bible says that we have redemmption THROUGH His blood, EVEN the forgiveness of sins.

Stand on the power of God's word, you can never go wrong trusting in Him.

I took the worries about my past to Christ in prayer. All we have to do is ask.

If you want help in asking Jesus to come into your heart, or need prayer. I am just an email away :)

God bless,



Additional scripture:
Isaiah 43:18-19, Colossians 1:14

*Note* The illustration above is a caricature of a womans face, done with graphite pencils. She is looking up with the look of worry, and a tear streaming down her face.

The Word Illustrated #16--II Corinthians 13:12

The Word Illustrated #16
© PamYla Floyd

Greet one another with an holy kiss--II Corinthians 13:12

Traditionally to greet someone with a holy kiss, means to kiss them on the cheeks. We live in a different world now and this may not be customary to you, depending on where you live.

There is however, another 'holy kiss' which is just as endearing. WE can greet oneanother with a warm, inviting smile.

There is a saying that goes "When we smile, the world smiles with us". I have found this to be true.

A smile can lift the spirits of someone going through a really rough time, and inturn we feel better knowing we gave such an awesome gift.

Let's all make a conscious decision to smile and thank God that we are can no matter what is going on around us. I'm sure that Jesus' smile alone, warmed many a worn down spirits.

God bless,



*Note* The above image is of the lower part of a face--nose, cheeks and smile. They are drawn with graphite pencils

The Word Illustrated #15--I John 5:14-15

The Word Illustrated #15
© PamYla Floyd

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him--I John 5:14-15

I had another scripture to share with this week's illustration. But tonight in bible study, I was blown away by these scriptures that my pastor taught on.

WE must not doubt God. What He does for one, He can and will do for others -- our belief of this shows confidence in Him.

As we pray His promises back to Him, and line ourselves up with His word -- this shows that we are in His will

Prayer is how we communicate with God. WE can be assured that He hears our petitions; and that victory is ours, if we stand on His word.

We are more than conquerors in Jesus name, and it is time to live like it!

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #14--II Timothy 3:5

The Word Illustrated #14
© PamYla Floyd

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away--II Timothy 3:5

I professed that Jesus is the son of God, asked Him to be the Lord over my life and asked forgiveness for my sins. But....I did not submit all of my life to Christ.

'God knows my heart' was the lie from hell that kept me shackled and struggling with a secret. I denied the power of Christ to free me from ALL things.

I encourage you to submit those 'things' to God, and to find a bible believing, bible teaching, church that flows in the components of the 5 fold ministry.

Counsel with those who will prayerfully go before the Lord on your behalf and then commit to study the scriptures, fast, and pray to be set free.

Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting--Matthew 17:21

Let's not just give God some of our lives, but all of it so that we can have the abundant lives that Jesus promised!

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #13--Psalms 30:11

The Word Illustrated #13
© PamYla Floyd

Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;--Psalms 30:11

When we are looking over the fence into the lives of others, we will find everything wrong with our own.

If you have a job, can eat several times a day, enjoy running water, electricity, heat, air and can change clothes daily--we ought to be up singing, dancing and praising God. Why, we are even in the top 1% of the world's wealthiest!

So get up, put on your dancing shoes, (or go barefoot if you're like me) and dance a jig of thanks! satan wants us to look everywhere and focus on everything BUT God.

Praise Him--for He has plans to prosper us, even as our souls prosper!

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #12--I John 5:21

The Word Illustrated 12
© PamYla Floyd

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen -- I John 5:21

Main Entry: idol
Pronunciation: \ˈī-dəl\
Function: noun
1: a representation or symbol of an object of worship; broadly : a false god
2 a: a likeness of something bobsolete : pretender, impostor

A souvenir mask from vacation can be idolized as we continually pass it with smiles, admiration and are moved to bow, salute, or rub it each time we pass by.

It is satans job to deceive us, by removing our affections and attention away from God and onto ANYTHING else, that will place God last in our lives.

WE must be vigilant about the things we allow to come into and STAY in our homes. I was given a houseplant which had a metal decorative stick shaped in the image of kokopelli.

Let's return to our first love--God, and remove all things from our homes that would put our Christianity in question.

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #11--I Corinthian 13:11

The Word Illustrated#11
© PamYla Floyd

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things--I Corinthians 13:11

The behaviors we had as children should change when we become adults. If they rule our lives; IE how we react, talk to and treat others etc, it is because satan has used what worked for us as a child to infact become the very strong hold over us as adults.

We are usually the last ones to find out about problems around us, and this is because we behave in such a childish manner, that even those who love us, do not want to have to deal with us.

Satan deceives, blinds and hardens our hearts so that we are unwilling to allow the power of God to transform us. Our growth becomes stunted and we often feel mistreated and left out.

We can all experience the truth that we are overcomers in Christ, but we must be willing to go before God, asking Him to remove all things within us, that are not like Him.

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #10--Acts 2:28

The Word Illustrated#10
© PamYla Floyd

Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance--Acts 2:28

We are bombarded daily with negative messages and images that burn themselves into the depths of our minds, piercing our hearts, coming out of our mouths, and ending up bearing fruit in how we handle life.

We can live with the "Oh no, what now" attitude. Or, we can live looking forward to the good things that are in store for us.

No one can every fully appreciate the blessings of life until we learn how to be thankful also, for the trials and tribulations that come our way. They are what mature and make us.

Get into a bible believing church that also teaches how to apply the scriptures to everyday life--and let's start enjoying ours more, right now, today!

God bless,


Monday, November 30, 2009

The Word Illustrated #9--Psalms 37:4

The Word Illustrated#9
© PamYla Floyd

Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart--Psalms 37:4

If we put God first in our lives, We will soon begin to see our lives being more blessed than we could have ever imagined or dreamed.

He has a heart that cares about all that concerns us, down to the tiniest fiber of who we are. If we change our heart, the actions and the fruit that our lives bear, will change also.

One of the books I'm reading is called the Godsend--How to create heaven in your life. In it, the author states; As man's faith increases, his problems decrease and his blessings increase.

Let's delight in the Lord and watch Him take what man sees as impossibilites, and bring them to life.

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #8--Colossians 4:6

The Word Illustrated#8
© PamYla floyd

Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man -- Colossians 4:6

We should always think before we speak to others, especially in situations where tension and confusion fills the air.

The way we speak to the mechanic working on our car, or the slow customer in front of us in line, could brighten our dampen a day in a split second.

More and more people are struggling with one or more issues in their lives. The way we answer, or speak to another, could encourage them to keep going, or convince them to give up.

We never know what is going on in someone's life. Let's all work on seasoning our speech. The bible teaches that we should treat others the way we want to be treated!

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #7--Matthew 7:3

The Word Illustrated#7
© PamYla floyd

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?--Matt 7:3

We all need to be careful in judgement of others. Why judge our co worker, for keeping a messy desk/office space, when we jump out of beds at home without making it up,and climb back into it at bedtime?

When we judge others, we are not treating them fairly. Those who have faced deep oppression head on are careful not to judge others.

The bible says that we will be judged by the same measure we use to judge others. God's word is the same yesterday, today and forever.

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #6--Galatians 1:9

The Word Illustrated#6
© PamYla floyd

As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.--Galatians 1:9

The 'Secret' to a blessed life is in the word of God. His word, the bible, is our sword of truth. Become 'enlightened' God's way.

The same blessings and miracles He has bestowed upon others, he will do for you. We do not have to purchase special 'miracle cloths', send in any certain amount of money, or jump through hoops to get a blessing.

Look to God for answers. Pick up the bible, call on Him, and He will answer you.

God bless,


The Word Illustrated #5--II Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.--II Timothy 1:7

The Word Illustrated#5
© PamYla floyd

The news although not always nice or pleasant is something that we need to keep abreast of.

Yes, horrible things happen all around us, but we should not become fearful nor allow those things to steal our joy and keep us confined, bound and living a life filled with fear.

God is faithful and he promised to never leave nor forsake us. We can live with the power of His spirit, in love and in truth. Trust Him to show you the way to freedom.

God bless,

The Word Illustrated #4--I Thessalonans 5:18

The Word Illustrated#4
© PamYla floyd

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you--I Thessolonians 5:18

Life has it's own ups and downs that will come our way no matter who we are, where we are from, what we do or don't have.

Life is life period, and it is bigger than we are!

We all face challenges, and there are thing that come our way which are intended to make up doubt God, give up hope, and feel like we only have enough strength to lie down and die.

Thank Him and praise His name for all of the times He showed up and worked things out, even those things that threatened our very lives. He is worthy!

God bless,

The Word Illustrated #3--Isaiah 64:8

The Word Illustrated#3
© PamYla floyd

But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand--Isaiah 64:8

God is the author and finisher of our faith. Even as we confess these truths, we give little thought to the times inbetween. We all have tests and trials, fallacies and flaws.

We have all done or said things that we would like to take back. Thankfully God is forgiving of any and all things. All we have to do is ask.

We are all cracked pots, the Master Potter has us in His hands and lovingly molds and shapes us as we spin on the wheel of life.

Thank you Lord for your lovingkindness

The Word Illustrated#2--Matthew 6:26

The Word Illustrated#2
©PamYla Floyd

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Many times we worry about how we will pay our bills, where the next meal is coming from, if we will marry, and on and on.

We serve a loving God, He knows our needs and has promised to never leave nor forsake us. We can take Him at His word.

Whenever worry tries to overtake us about the matters of life, let's take a look-see outside. We are more than the beasts of the fields.

Whether it is a squirrel in a tree, a bird of the air, or an ant that crawls over the ground, they know that their needs will be provided for.

The Word Illustrated #1--Ephesians 5:12

The Word Illustrated#1
© PamYla floyd

For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret
Ephesians 5:12

For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret

Take your time--don't read the bible too fast you will miss more than you get out of it.

Be careful of how you speak about and also what you take in about others. Gossip is not nice, cute or pretty and it destroys reputations and lives. It is not until after you have been on the receiving end that you truly understand its ill effects.

Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be our friend...lol..remember that song? Those who gossip about others, most assuredly are gossiping about you!

God bless,


Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Word Illustrated#25
© PamYla floyd

for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart—I Samuel 16:7b

God loves each of us we were all created in His image. If we were to walk past a field of yellow flowers notice one that was much taller, and of differing colors, would we not still see it as being beautiful? The fact that it stands out in the crowd alone makes us take notice.

If we continue to look at the differences in each other as being strange or unacceptable, we will soon find ourselves creating a world where only those who have surgical procedures to look like carbon copies of eachother are the norm. God made each of us distinctly beautiful and like no other.

There are those who have Heterochromia, Vitiligo, Albinism or huge skin burns. What a person looks like should never have a bearing on our perception or acceptance of them. It is what's on the inside that makes us who we are.

When I was a teen, I saw an episode of The Twililght Zone called, “In the eye of the beholder”. In it everyone underwent plastic surgery to look like everyone else. What we call beautiful was seen as horrific and even terrifying. This is a great satirical view on how we are today.

Let's pray to be more accepting of others in our day to day lives. We never know what friend we may find in the person sitting right next to us!

God bless,

Reference Scriptures:
Genesis 1:26a
Psalm 139:14

If you want prayer please hit reply

The image above is of yellow flowers and one purple and white one which stands much taller than the rest. Although it is different, it is no less beautiful than the others.