The Word Illustrated#27
© PamYla floyd
Proverbs 17:22--A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones
What does our countenance say about us. Believe it or not, what we meditate on (think about) are the things that show up on our faces.
Are we walking in faith or fear? let's say that Donna was obedient in paying her tithes, and is worried about her car note which is due in 2 weeks. Since she talks faith, but walks in fear, her countenance is reflecting what is really going on inside of her. She does not trust God and His word as she leads others to think.
On the other hand, if Donna were talking faith and walking in it, she does what is asked without doubt or fear. She knows that although the money may not be in her bank account today, God is faithful and will bless her more abundantly because of her faithfulness.
How does she know this, because she reads His word. In Malachi 3:10 the Lord says to PROVE him. Be obedient, be cheerful in the giving of your tithes and offerings and KNOW that God will do what he says he will do. You will be amazed at the favor he gives you, and at how He positions people who want to bless you.
WE have be stand sure footed, unwavering and immovable while standing on the word of God inspite of what we hear, see or feel. His word can change our lives.
Whatever area you face challenges or struggle in, find scriptures that deal with that subject and meditate (recite) them aloud until they become a part of you. When the enemy begins to torment you about that thing, you give him back the word of God. This is standing!
As we get more of God's word in us, our countenance begins to change. Soon we will hear others comment and ask if we have lost weight, been on vacation or exclaim how much younger we are looking!
In John 10:10b Jesus said that he came to give life and to give it more abundantly. God's word is full of life and able to deliver us from anything that comes our way.
If you need help finding scriptures that you can stand on contact me via my email address below,
Reference Scriptures:
Matthew 6:33
John 6:63
God bless,
God Jesus? Visit my Salvation page. If you want prayer, or want to subscribe, please email me: thewordillustrated at yahoo dot com.
Note: the animation above is of a woman who is frowned up and getting worse until a friend asks what's wrong. Then she begins to perk up and pretend that all is well
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