Saturday, February 11, 2012

Am I ready?

TWI #82
© Pamyla Floyd

I know that I have had to ask myself this question, as I’m sure that many of us must also do. Am I ready? Am I ready for the thing that I’m asking of the lord? Am I mature enough discuss uncomfortable conversations? How do I handle misunderstandings? Do I immediately take action or wait for things to work themselves out? Actually, there is no right or wrong here. But, the question of our motives come into play when we’re faced with challenging circumstances, conversations, problems and the way we handle them.

If we have always yelled down others when they approached with a problem, and ignored their feelings or stance on things, then we need to take a long hard look at ourselves. Now that is easy to say, but nothing is impossible with God. If we are not willing to try effective communication where both parties’ input are listened to, then we may just not be ready yet. If we insist on throwing temper tantrums to get our way, because that is how things have always worked, we surely are not ready for ‘that person’ to come into our lives.

It would be a shame to have prayed and waited for that suitable mate, only to run them away, because we aren’t willing to change for the greater cause of those involved. What about finances? Nobody LIKES paying bills, but unfortunately, it is a must in this life. On the other hand, if we don’t like paying bills and won’t pay them, this is a huge problem. Even as singles, if we think that we can do whatever we want, however we want, because “I don’t have to answer to anyone” we are entering into a mindset with motives that are not pleasing to the Lord. We will find ourselves pushed further away from attaining the promise of a successful loving relationship. It is foolish to think that our Heavenly Father would bring His virtuous woman or mighty man of valor into the life of someone who would ruin their walk, life and testimony. I’m trying to keep it real. There are far too many divorces in the body of Christ.

In order to walk in the promises of God we have to be in position. No batter can make a home run if he refuses to come up to the plate. We need to have a teachable spirit, be a good listener, have compassion toward others, walk in love, and be ready to forgive. Another key component is that we be willing to work on things, by following through every time.

So, whether our petition letter to the Lord be about our spiritual growth,a new home, job , relationship or whatever; the question should always be—Am I ready?

Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and hast not withholden the request of his lips—Psalms 21:2

Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting—Matthew 17:21

If you want to know how to ask Jesus into your heart, or want help in leading someone to Christ, please visit my Salvation page. If you want prayer or need help finding scriptures to stand on, please email me: thewordillustrated at yahoo dot com

God bless,

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